
RollD5ive play: "Trap-Trap! A Kobold Themed One Shot" Part 1, Let the Games Begin!

Trap-Trap! A Kobold Themed One Shot.

Very silly, and very dangerous. The party quickly finds themselves put to the test of Kobold engineering in the depths of the mountains...much to the entertainment of a gathering of Kobolds. Will the adventurers survive?

Check out the original one-shot here! And keep an eye out for the ending of Trap-Trap! On RollD5ive!

Trap Trap


RollD5ive play: "Trap-Trap! A Kobold Themed One Shot" Part 2, Escaping the Dark Within


Five Sided Die Play, "The Lost Mines of Phandelver": Episode 18, Danger Around Every Corner.