The ChatGPT Files: A Murder Mystery Campaign

Poor Tink - He’s Innocent!

I have had the idea of sitting down and writing a starter campaign for awhile now.  I knew that I wanted the campaign to start with the party meeting at small town’s gallows to witness an execution, but haven't really thought about the rest.  You know, life takes over and its hard to find the time.  Given that I am lazy by nature… I thought that my dear friend ChatGPT might offer some assistance.  At the very least, it would be entertaining to read what an AI would come up with right?  I hate to say, it's kind of good?  Lets rip into what ChatGPT has named: The Murder Mystery Campaign.

Spoiler alert: I can’t wait to meet Tink, and find out if my party is going to help save him!  I am also looking forward to building out Malakar and seeing him square off with The Arcane Eye.  What are your thoughts, and have you used AI for some motivation yet?

The Conversation with ChatGPT

I asked ChatGPT: Can you write me a dungeons and dragons campaign summary, that includes an opening scene where a gnome is being publicly executed for murder, but the gnome is innocent?

Results: The campaign opens in the bustling city of Kethwick, where the players find themselves amidst a crowd gathered in the city square. A gnome named Tink is being led to the gallows to be executed for the murder of a prominent merchant's son.

As the players watch, they may notice that Tink seems oddly calm and collected for someone facing imminent death. A closer inspection may reveal that he has a strange glyph tattooed on his forehead, which glows with a faint magical aura.

Suddenly, a hooded figure jumps onto the stage, brandishing a wand and shouting accusations of a conspiracy to frame Tink. Chaos ensues as the guards try to apprehend the hooded figure, and the players may find themselves caught up in the melee.

If they manage to help the hooded figure escape, they will learn that he is a member of a secret society of mages who are investigating a series of murders that have been plaguing the city. The society believes that Tink is innocent and has been framed by the true culprit, who may be a powerful and well-connected figure in the city.

The players may choose to join the society in their investigation, which will lead them to explore various parts of Kethwick and interact with its diverse denizens, including wealthy merchants, street urchins, corrupt officials, and even rival criminal factions.

As they unravel the mystery, the players will discover that the true culprit is a sorcerer who has been using dark magic to control and manipulate people for his own gain. In a climactic showdown, they will confront the sorcerer and his minions in his secret lair, and the fate of Kethwick will be decided by the players' actions.

Depending on their choices and outcomes, the campaign may end with Tink exonerated and the city restored to justice, or with the society disbanded and the players on the run from the authorities.

Secret Society of Mages You Say?

I asked ChatGPT: Can you give me some information on the secret society of mages in Kethwick, who are investigating a series of murder in my dnd campaign?

Name: The Order of the Arcane Eye

Description: The Order of the Arcane Eye is a secret society of mages dedicated to investigating and solving magical crimes. The members of the Order are highly trained in the magical arts and are experts in the detection of arcane energy. They are known for their ability to uncover magical clues that are invisible to the untrained eye.

History: The Order of the Arcane Eye was founded over a century ago by a group of mages who were frustrated by the inability of local law enforcement to investigate magical crimes. They believed that a dedicated group of magical experts could more effectively solve these crimes and bring justice to the victims. Over the years, the Order has grown in size and influence, and they now have branches in many major cities across the realm.

Mission: The mission of the Order of the Arcane Eye is to investigate and solve magical crimes, including murders, thefts, and other acts of magical malfeasance. The Order believes that all magic should be used for the betterment of society and that those who use magic to harm others must be held accountable for their actions.

Role in the Campaign: In your campaign, the Order of the Arcane Eye could play a variety of roles. Perhaps they have been called in to investigate a series of murders in the town of Kethwick and are seeking the players' assistance in uncovering the culprit. Alternatively, the players may be members of the Order themselves, tasked with investigating a mysterious magical artifact that has been discovered in the town. Whatever their role, the Order of the Arcane Eye is sure to provide a fascinating and challenging addition to your campaign.

The Big Bad

I asked ChatGPT: Can you give me some information on the villain of my dnd campaign, a dark sorcerer who is committing murders and framing town members of Kethwick, such as Tink?

Name: Malakar the Maleficent

Description: Malakar is a powerful dark sorcerer with a twisted sense of morality. He believes that the use of magic to harm others is justified as long as it serves his ultimate goal: the conquest and subjugation of the realm. Malakar is known for his skill in manipulating arcane energies and his willingness to use any means necessary to achieve his goals.

Background: Malakar was once a respected member of the magical community, known for his groundbreaking research into the nature of arcane energy. However, his obsession with power and control led him down a darker path, and he began experimenting with forbidden magical practices. When his colleagues discovered the extent of his depravity, Malakar was expelled from the magical community and forced to flee into hiding. He has been working in secret ever since, gathering allies and resources to aid him in his quest for domination.

Motivations: Malakar's ultimate goal is to overthrow the ruling powers of the realm and establish himself as the sole ruler. To achieve this, he has been committing murders and framing innocent townspeople to sow chaos and weaken the authority of the ruling powers. Malakar believes that by creating chaos and confusion, he can destabilize the realm and make it easier for him to seize power.

Abilities: Malakar is a master of the dark arts and is able to wield powerful magical energies to devastating effect. He is skilled in a wide range of spells and can use his magic to manipulate the minds of his enemies, inflict devastating curses, and summon powerful minions to do his bidding.

Role in the Campaign: In your campaign, Malakar could be the central villain driving the plot forward. The players may start out investigating the murders and trying to clear the name of innocent town members like Tink, only to discover that there is a much larger threat at play. As they delve deeper into the conspiracy, they may uncover Malakar's plans and ultimately confront him in a final showdown to determine the fate of the realm.

Location, Location, Location, Location…

And finally, I asked ChtGPT for some information on Kethwick:

Description: Kethwick is a small town situated in a lush valley surrounded by rolling hills and dense forests. The town is known for its quaint shops and cozy inns, as well as its thriving farming community. The people of Kethwick are hardworking and friendly, but they have recently been plagued by a series of mysterious murders that have left them on edge.

History: Kethwick was founded centuries ago by a group of settlers looking for a peaceful place to call home. The town grew over time, becoming a hub for trade and commerce in the region. However, Kethwick has also had its share of troubles, including attacks by marauding bands of goblins and other monsters that lurk in the nearby wilderness.

Key Locations:

  • The Town Square: This is the heart of Kethwick, where locals come to buy and sell goods, catch up on the latest gossip, and enjoy the occasional festival or celebration.

  • The Red Lion Inn: This cozy inn is a popular spot for travelers passing through Kethwick. It offers comfortable rooms and hearty meals, as well as a cozy tavern where locals gather to swap stories.

  • The Temple of the Moon: This temple is dedicated to the goddess of the moon and is a place of worship and contemplation for the people of Kethwick.

  • The Mayor's Office: This is where the town's elected leader, Mayor Thorne, holds court and oversees the day-to-day affairs of the town.

Current Situation: Kethwick is in the midst of a crisis, with a series of murders rocking the town and causing fear and panic among its inhabitants. The local authorities are struggling to solve the case, and tensions are running high as suspicion falls on various townspeople, including Tink, the innocent gnome who has been framed for murder. The secret society of mages has been called in to help investigate the case, but they are working in secret and have yet to make any breakthroughs.

Overall, Kethwick is a charming town with a rich history and a vibrant community. However, the current crisis has thrown the town into turmoil, and the players will need to navigate the complex web of relationships and secrets to uncover the truth and bring the killer to justice.

In Conclusion

I think this has potential. I want to get inside Tinks head and find out what is going on. What is this poor gnome thinking?! Caught up in a murder mystery surrounded by evil forces, dark magic, and secret mage societies. I LIKE ALL OF THOSE THINGS.

Stay tuned for more on this. If we end up playing it, you better believe it will be up on YouTube.

I am also going to be asking ChatGPT for some help with another idea I had… a bard who discovers that when she sings, the dead come back to life…. I was hoping to write a silly one shot with that as the premise, and I think my faovitre new coauthor may be giving me an assist.


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