Critical Role’s Daggerheart Open Beta

Image: Jessica Nguyen/Darrington Press

The team behind Critical Role has been working on Daggerheart- their answer to Dungeons and Dragons - for the past few years. With an anticipated release date in 2025 - Matthew Mercer & crew are calling all interested parties to play test Daggerheart and provide feedback. You can download the test materials here.

We will be reading through the rules and watching the 101 videos to see how Daggerheart compares to 5E. This feels like a real competitor that Wizards of the Coast should pay attention to. The Critical Role Youtube Channel has over 2.2M subscribers, and Matthew Mercer is a personal hero of mine. This has potential to be a major disrupter, if you feel like learning 380 pages of rules!

Let us know your thoughts if you’re planning to play test.


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